Weekend Morning Routine

I absolutely love a good morning routine. Reading them, having them, even watching them makes me feel productive by association. BUT, I think we can all agree that our morning routine throughout the week looks very different than our weekend morning routine! I like to wake up much earlier than I need to, but somehow throughout the week my morning ends up feeling rushed and hectic. Weekends, especially Saturdays, are some of the only times that I can actually get through this routine. Each step leaves me feeling well-rested and productive, so even on weekdays I try to take bits and pieces of this routine. Keep in mind, this is my ideal morning routine – there isn’t time for all of this every day!

1. Wake up (duh)

On the weekends when I don’t have any plans until lunch, I let myself sleep in until 9 or 10. For some people that seems super late and for others that’s early, but it’s so nice for me! Even when I don’t set an alarm, I find myself naturally waking up around 8 or 8:30, then snoozing my alarm until I actually need to wake up.

2. Read a devotion

I’m trying to get into the habit of starting every morning with my devotional, instead of social media. Definitely something I can improve upon! I get daily emails from Blessed Is She, and I highly recommend these if you’re looking for a little bite-size devo to start your day. Reading a devotion sets me in the right direction and truly starts my day on the best note possible.

3. Make coffee

Need I say more?!

4. Get ready for the day

I loooove spending a ton of time getting ready, even though it really only takes me less than ten minutes on an average day. When I wake up with plenty of time to spare, I take my time with each step. I don’t know if it’s because I’m taking more time and the makeup is able to set better, but I always feel like my overall look is more put-together. I’ll turn on a Netflix show, a YouTube video, or even my favorite music, and jam out while I’m getting ready and sipping coffee.

5. Write in my prayer journal

This is something I really should make time for every day, because every time I do this I feel like my day starts on the BEST note possible. Even if all I do is write out my hopes and worries for the day, I feel more at peace. If you have a prayer journal or have been wanting to start one, I highly recommend using it in the morning when you can!

6. Get going!

Like I said, this is my ideal weekend morning routine. Throughout the week, my real morning routine is a rushed version of this but I usually have some version of this!

So, what’s your morning routine? Do you have anything you do in the morning that starts your day off perfectly? Please, please share if you do!

xoxo, Cecilia

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  1. Thanks for sharing your morning routine. It’s so interesting that my morning routine is so similar, I love to listen to music while getting ready for the day. The one thing I love doing in my morning routine is reading/studying the Bible while drinking my coffee or tea, helps my day go by smoother 🙂


    1. I so agree, reading the Bible or a devotional always helps me start my day on the right note! Thanks so much for reading Inna!

  2. I LOVE THIS! I’ve never seen someone do a weekend morning routine, such a great idea! I haven’t heard of Blessed Is She either, will def have to look that one up. Have been using Annie F. Downs “100 Days to Brave” in the morning if I don’t have time for a longer quiet time!


    1. Thanks so much Molly! My weekend morning routine is definitely way less rushed than my everyday morning routine so I thought it’d be fun to share. And thank you for the suggestion!

    1. I need to try that! I’m so dependent on caffeine but I’m trying to rely on it less… a splash of cold water may do the trick for me. Thanks for reading Logan!