The Red Bra Project | An Exciting Opportunity

smiling while holding a coffee mug

Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to settle in, because I’m sharing some fun news! I was interviewed by the ladies at the Red Bra Project, and the video is up on YouTube now! We had the best time chatting about everything from the origin of my blog to my future plans.

The Red Bra Project aims to inspire women and encourage them to tell their authentic stories. The red bra is “a reminder that whatever the day has brought to her, whatever she is working through, that underneath it all, she has exactly what it takes to get it together, rise up and achieve ANYTHING!” I think that this platform is such a refreshing look at social media. Obviously, we can get burnt out from social media – whether we’re creating or we’re consuming. But, social media also gives us an amazing opportunity to connect with like-minded women. We can cheer each other on when we share exciting news. We can lift each other up when we need support.

One of the things we talked about in the interview is blogging numbers… and how they don’t matter as much as you think they do. Sure, reaching milestones on Instagram is exciting! And there’s no denying that following/likes/comments do mean something when it comes to landing partnerships and collaborations. But if your intention with blogging or creating is to make a difference and create connections, you don’t need to reach a certain number to do that. I never would have imagined that I could have the opportunities for exciting moments like this without having 10,000 followers – but I do! I hope that you can take that away from this, even if you aren’t able to watch the video.

So – thank YOU for being a part of this! I would never have these opportunities if it weren’t for your support. I hope that this interview makes you laugh, inspires you, or just makes you smile.

xoxo, Cecilia

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