25 takes from year 25 - what I learned at 25

25 has been one of the most important years of my life, and even though it included some pretty hard things, it also had some of my favorite memories ever. From visiting New York City and Costa Rica to falling more in love with life in Birmingham and with the life I get to live, I think I’ve learned more this year than ever before. Not every lesson is fun to learn, but how lucky am I that I’ve gotten 25 years so far?! Let’s dive into what I learned at 25.


  1. Just because they don’t want you doesn’t mean no one will want you.
  2. If you feel like you always have to have plans or to be doing something, it’s worth taking the time to ask why.
  3. When you start taking care of your body because you love your life and not because you want to change how you look, the physical changes will come naturally but you’ll find an inner confidence that matters more.
  4. It’s easier to change your bad habits when you do it because you like yourself and think you deserve better than because you hate yourself and want to fundamentally change who you are as a person.
  5. Before sending the text, maybe you should go to sleep.
  6. Before taking the shot, maybe you should take a lap around the bar.
  7. You’ll spend more time with you than you will with anyone else, so do what you can to enjoy that time.
  8. You’re not behind for anything, even if you feel like you are. There’s no such thing as being behind for your own life.
  9. Doing it for the plot is okay until the plot starts genuinely hurting your feelings.
  10. It doesn’t matter why the person you’re dating is doing whatever they’re doing or what the term might be to describe it, it only matters how it makes you feel.
  11. If you’re asking the question you probably already know the answer. (And yeah, it might be time to break up.)
  12. If you’ve always wanted bangs, get the bangs.
  13. No one is thinking about you as much as you think they are. That’s a good thing.
  14. Assume that people want to be friends with you when approach them. Sure, sometimes you’ll be wrong. But when you go into new situations bringing your most confident and friendly self, you’ll find that you attract the people you want to be in your life.
  15. If you haven’t started digging into how your hormones and your cycle affect your mental health, you should start. They’re more linked than you might think and having that knowledge can help you understand why you feel how you feel.
  16. If you’re in a new city or you want to make new friends, start by becoming a regular somewhere. I love to start with coffee shops and dive bars.
  17. The love you want is out there because it’s already in you.
  18. It isn’t easy, but you can slowly change the way you speak and think about yourself.
  19. Just because your dreams are taking longer to achieve than other people’s doesn’t mean they won’t ever happen.
  20. Discomfort won’t kill you and it’ll actually probably make you better.
  21. Stop trying to be a perfect version of yourself and start trying to become your favorite version of yourself.
  22. When someone randomly crosses your mind, reach out to them to let them know you’re thinking of them. (Note: this does NOT apply to exes).
  23. Learn to enjoy silence.
  24. The way you’re feeling right now won’t last forever. Sometimes that’s a great thing and sometimes that’s a sad thing, but no matter what, it’s a powerful thing to remember.
  25. It’s never too late for things to change.

Sometimes the lessons were painful or came after situations I hadn’t planned for, but looking back, I’m so grateful for what I learned at 25.

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